Among the many sicknesses and diseases in the world, cancer is one of the most devastating. This illness has claimed the lives of mothers, fathers, children, and friends.
Not only does it cause grief and pain for the one who has the disease, it’s also very hard on loved ones who have to watch their family and friends suffer. Cancer is unfortunately common. You could actually have cancer and not even know you’re sick. This disease sometimes has a way of staying hidden until it’s much too late for treatment.
There may be hope, however, of you know the warning signs of the illness. There are five signs that cancer cells may be growing inside your body right now.
1. Unusual pain
With illnesses such as breast cancer, pain will be a factor. There’s a difference between regular pain and cancer pains. Cancer pains will be more severe and very persistent. If you think your pain may be due to cancer, get tested immediately!
2. Weight loss
Some weight loss could be good and might make those who have been trying to diet very happy. A sudden loss of weight, however, could be cause for alarm. One of the most common signs of cancer invading the body is quick, unexplainable weight loss.
3. Fatigue
If you’re tired all the time and feel as though you’re coming down with a cold, this could be another symptom of cancer’s presence. Keep in mind that stress could be an alternate culprit, or you may have caught a bug from family or friends. If the weakness persists, see a doctor to find out for certain what is ailing you.
4. Fever
Fever is a very common sign of cancer. Most of the time, when fever shows up, the cancer has already spread from where it started.
5. Skin changes
When cancer is present, your skin may show some changes. You might see a dark, yellow, or red tint to the surface of the skin. Many people have also experienced itching or excessive hair growth.
There are many signs and symptoms of cancer to watch for. If you experience these symptoms, you’ll want to see a doctor to rule out cancer as the cause.
Although it’s a very common ailment, early detection can be the trick to stop this horrible disease. There are many cures and treatments, including holistic care. Natural procedures have been known to cure many other problems on the body like high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
You can read more about holistic treatments, such as chelation for treatment of toxic substances in the blood, another terrible illness, at Take care and stay aware of your body and its functions.