Abrasive and potentially toxic chemicals can be found in store bought toothpastes such as tricolosan and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, which are known to form chloroform gas when combined with water. A condition called fluorosis can also occur because of fluoride that has been used for a long while for preventing dental decay and cavities. This can leave to permanent discoloration of the teeth and also lead to joint and bone problems. It is possible for people to make their own holistic homemade toothpaste at home and avoid these chemicals and strong abrasives.
Listed below are simple instructions that can be followed by people for making this safe toothpaste at home and ensuring the optimal health of their teeth and gums:
Simple Toothpaste Powder
1- Take one part orange peel or dried lemon, one part sea salt and combine them with six parts baking soda. If desired, people can also add a few cloves and Vitamin E. The taste of the powder is changed by cloves, which have antibacterial properties.
2- Use a blender for blending these ingredients until an equally fine powder is formed.
3- An airtight container should be sterilized by running it through the dishwasher or submerge it in boiling water for about 10 minutes.
4- The toothpaste powder should then be stored in this sterilized container.
5- Use a dry and clean spoon for taking out the powder and sprinkle it over a damp toothbrush.
6- The toothbrush can be dipped into hydrogen peroxide before the powder is sprinkled if people want some extra whitening.
7- Make a paste by combing water with this simple toothpaste powder until a paste like consistency is achieved.
Simple Coconut Oil Toothpaste
1- Equal parts of baking soda and coconut oil should be combined in a food processor.
2- Any artificial sweetener of your choice or stevia can be added for getting sugar-free sweetness and health and taste properties can also be incorporated with the help of essential oils.
3- Use a sterilized and airtight container for storing it.
4- Avoid clogging your sink by rinsing your toothbrush with warm water as coconut oil becomes solid below 76 degrees F.
Simple Flavored Toothpaste
1- Take 1/3 teaspoon sea salt, 6 teaspoon baking soda, 4 teaspoon glycerin and 15 drops of essential oil of your choice. For instance, a minty flavored toothpaste can be made by adding spearmint or peppermint essential oils.
2- Vitamin E has healing properties and is also a preservative so one can add about ½ or ¼ teaspoon in it.
3- Use an airtight and sterilized container for storing the toothpaste.
4- The toothpaste should be used within a year or discarded if it starts to taste, smell or appear different.
The best toothpaste is homemade toothpaste and any of the holistic homemade pastes can be made by people at home when they are looking for a safe and healthy toothpaste for ensuring proper oral health. Nowadays, it is recommended that natural toothpaste be used for brushing teeth on a regular basis as they are free of side effects and have lots of benefits.